Thursday, November 6, 2008

National Eating Disorders Association Announces a Media Watch Dog Facebook Group!

College Lifestyles (TM) is a huge supported of the National Eating Disorders Association. The Association announces it's Media Watch Dog program!!!

As stated in the Media Watch Dog Facebook Group:

'Help us encourage responsible media messages regarding body image issues.

Interested in being a Media Watchdog and keeping an eye on the media? SIGN UP! Go to

The Media Watchdog program was created to improve media messages about size, weight and beauty. The program brings students, educators, health professionals, parents, eating disorders sufferers, and concerned consumers together as Media Watchdogs to encourage companies and advertisers to send healthy media messages regarding body size and shape.

Media Watchdogs are volunteers across the country who choose to closely monitor various forms of media, commending or critiquing advertisements or programs that positively or negatively impact body image and self-concept. Watchdogs monitor TV, radio, newspaper, magazine and internet ads or programs and send notices of ads or programs worthy of praise or protest to the National Eating Disorders Association office:

Fax: 206.829.8501'

Join the Facebook group today!!!

We did!

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