Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Meet Alicia, an intern, from Eat Well and Be Fabulous: A Guide for the Modern Day Woman

Telephone rings. 'Hello, this is Shelly.'

'HELP! I have no idea how to cook for myself. I lived in a dorm and apartment and lived off cereal.'

Meet Alicia. Alicia left the world of student government and sorority life behind and traded it in for a Monday through Friday internship. A great downtown location, coffee shops on every corner, business clothes, and an empty refrigerator. (And a 500 square foot apartment).

'I have no idea what or even how to cook. I live off cereal. I don't even know how to cook chicken. Help! I am so embarrassed to have friends over, they open up the refrigerator and see a half empty carton of take out.'

Hum....could we really tell Alicia to skin a chicken? Please.....

Can Cassie cook and still have time for the internship? Survey says yes.....and she does it so 'fabulously!'

Order by visiting www.shellymariespeaking.com.

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